Features of the formation of the club system in golf resorts

  • Alexey M. Lomakin

    Alexey M. Lomakin. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Ден Валерия Гихоевна

    Valeriya G. Den. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


Golf tourism is currently a separate segment of the tourism industry and many people actively travel to play on famous golf courses in different countries. Golf resorts attract tourists by offering them the opportunity to combine recreation and playing their favorite game. The object of the study is golf tourism as a new direction of tourism on the Primorsky Territory market. The subject of the study is club system on
golf resorts. The purpose is to study the features of the formation of club system in a golf club. Methods: methods of analysis, induction and deduction, synthesis and comparison are used. In the course of theoretical research, the conceptual apparatus in the field of golf tourism was investigated, the essence of the club system was studied and an algorithm for the formation of club system on a golf resort was developed. The scientific significance of the paper lies in the fact that the scheme of the formation of the club system and the factors of its formation are presented. The study can contribute to a deeper understanding of golf tourism, its impact on various aspects of the tourism industry, as well as offer recommendations for the development of this segment in Primorsky Krai, using the potential of the region.
Keywords: golf, sports tourism, golf tourism, golf resort, golf club, club system.